Hi, first of all, thank you for visiting my personal blog.
The reason I created this blog is of various reasons. First of all, I wanted a platform for me to share what I have learned.
Secondly I wish to provide guides on how to do things especially on open source technology. Guidances that probably you may have already been able to find elsewhere but they are scattering around and you will need some effort to gather them and make them works for you. This is why my blog posts mostly come with workable solutions that you can follow and deploy on your own.
Believe me when I says that as I really spent a lot of time to test and make sure the samples are working. Please feedback to me if you find any issue when trying them out, I will make sure I attend to it.
The name brainDOSE
is just trying to imply that I hope this blog will find it useful way for you and make your brain works easier, just like the word D-O-S-E, which are four of the neurochemical compounds required by our brain to boost our happiness. I hope brainDOES
will be like the neurochemical compounds that can boost your daily happiness when you found the answers you are looking for on open source technology.
A little DOSE to light up your days!
Just some disclaimers 🙂 … the posts on this blog are my personal opinions, they do not represent any 3rd parties in any intention and motive.